The Quest-Part II

The video is too large so I’m having difficulties getting full screen high def quality. If you hit play without maximizing the screen, it will look fine. If you maximize the video, it will look compressed and the video quality will suffer. Anyway, here are the results from “The Quest”. I hope you enjoy it. Make sure to watch the ending….

Guest Speaking Engagement: Texas Nature Photographers

Hello everyone. I’ve had a busy summer but I’ll fill you in on those things later. You should recall that back in June I was scheduled to speak at the TexNep meeting but due to scheduling conflicts that meeting was postponed. Well, it has officially been rescheduled for this coming Thursday, August 23rd at 7PM at the McAllen Public Library. I hope to see you there. The title of my presentation is:

Between A Snapshot & VanGogh: A Systematic Approach to the Vast Spectrum of Photography.

Lot’s of useful information packed into the presentation so I hope you get something out of it that will help improve your photography. Read more at the following link:

Until then….KEVIN

ImageSpotlight: Whitetail Buck Encounter

My objective on this day was to photograph whitetail fawns. While I happened to see a few, they were not hanging around in the open long enough for any decent shots. So, I turned my attention to the images that were presenting themselves…bucks in velvet. There were quite a few big bucks and I have other portraits of them that I will share on this blog at a later date. However, I also like to capture behavioral shots whenever I get the chance.

The image highlighted here is that of two bucks browsing on corn I had put out for them to eat. As they approached each other I anticipated they might raise on their hind legs and swat at each other with their front hooves as I had seen this type of behavior several times this morning. So, I flipped the camera to vertical and waited. The spat never came but this interaction did. What I like about this image is that the viewer’s interpretation of the behavior can vary based upon what they see. Is this a friendly encounter or a sign of a battle that is to come later in December?

Whitetail Buck Encounter. Canon 1DsMkII | 500mm | 1/2000 | f8 | ISO 400

Until next time…enjoy the great outdoors. –KEVIN